Well Woman Blog
Benefits of Online EMDR in California
Ever since EMDR therapy has entered the mainstream public consciousness, one of the questions I get asked often in conversations with people is, can EMDR be done online?Yes! Absolutely. Not only can EMDR be done online in California and beyond, but I have seen several benefits from doing EMDR virtually. I am happy to say I think online EMDR is here to stay and I find it beneficial for my clients for many reasons.
Comprehensive Guide to Understanding Trauma & Treatment for Women
The vast majority of my clientele over the course of my career are survivors of some sort of trauma. Regardless of whether or not they have a PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder) diagnosis or not, I find that they often have the same questions, and so I wanted to write a comprehensive guide to help people better understand the impact of trauma and what the path to healing looks like. Whether you are a trauma survivor yourself, or you love someone who is, I hope you find this information validating and useful.